- The participation to the course is free.
IISS "Benedetto Radice" Bronte (CT), via Sarajevo 1, 95034
Professional Profile
The Higher Technician Expert in the Agrifood Sector: enogastronomy, hospitality, and territories, has a versatile profile, being an expert in gastronomic culture capable of operating in various professional contexts related to the knowledge of productions and culinary preparations, the promotion, communication, and enhancement of food and Mediterranean food culture in an innovative way, also linked to narration and multimedia.
This professional is interested in the world of enogastronomy and hospitality from a 360° perspective, starting from the culture, traditions of the territory, and its products, with managerial skills in communication, marketing, and business management. They understand production processes, the connections between foods and territories, their sociocultural, historical, economic, and environmental values, can enhance new products and conceive new gastronomic experiences and consumption methods, have a strong sensitivity towards process and product innovation and food quality, as well as the relationship between food and health (wellness paths).
They are also able to understand and apply control systems on materials, processes, and products to improve quality; formulate product/service proposals, interpreting needs and promoting customer/consumer loyalty; prepare menus in reference to the specific characteristics of territorial products, enhancing local biodiversity and seasonality; take care of the elaboration of recipes and menus, applying innovative and creative techniques; work in compliance with health regulations with particular reference to HACCP standards; manage production processes according to principles of eco-compatibility, sustainability, and in respect of the specializations and peculiarities of “Made in Italy”.
Professional figure
"Enofood: 4.0: Expert in the AgriFood Sector: Enogastronomy, Hospitality, and Territories"
Higher Technician for the Control, Enhancement, and Marketing of Agricultural, Agri-Food, and Agri-Industrial Productions.
total hours
Internships at leading companies in the sector.
Bronte (CT)
IISS "Benedetto Radice", Via Sarajevo 1, 95034
The ITS Academy’s specialization courses are intended for young people and adults, whether or not they have an employment (ensuring compliance with the compulsory attendance rate), are unemployed or unemployed, who have obtained one of the following diplomas:
- High school decree;
- Professional decree obtained at the end of the four-year Education and Vocational Training paths integrated by a one-year IFTS course.
Job Opportunities
The higher technician can hold technical-organizational roles in:
- Companies engaged in enogastronomic preparations;
- Agri-food companies structured for hospitality in enogastronomic tourism;
- Agri-food and catering companies in the selection of raw materials;
- Agri-food, distribution, tourism, and catering enterprises dedicated to the enhancement of new products and services;
- Companies active in enogastronomic production, catering, and hospitality, with particular regard to communication, promotion, and marketing of food and “Made in Italy” food products both in Italy and abroad, and e-commerce;
- Territorial entities, protection consortia, producer organizations, structures and entities active in education, training, communication, and gastronomic criticism;
- Specialized websites involved in the enhancement and protection of the quality and typicality of productions, territorial development, experiential tourism;
- Initiate and manage self-employment initiatives in food and beverage companies.
Certificates and qualifications
- Higher Technician Diploma – EQF Level 5 accompanied by the Europass “Diploma Supplement”;
- Qualification for teaching in state schools in agrarian sciences and technology laboratories (competition class: B11);
- Completion of the internship period and admission to the qualifying examination for the profession of agricultural expert and graduated agricultural expert;
- European Computer Driving License (ICDL full)
- Foreign language certification;
- Additional certifications specific to the professional profile;
- Possible recognition of university training credits (CFU) according to the tables of confluence between learning outcomes in relation to the competences acquired at the end of the ITS path and the competences resulting from the degree courses assimilable to it.
Deadline for submission of applications
All interested parties, who meet the requirements, must submit their application for admission to the course no later than 11 October 2024, drawn up in simple paper based on the attached template
The applicant must sign the application and attach the following documents:
- a copy of a valid identification document;
- copy of the tax code;
- a copy of the academic title or declaration of equivalence;
- European curriculum vitae in signed form;
- for unemployed young people or adults: Declaration of Immediate Availability to work (DID) issued by the Employment Centre responsible for the territory;
- for young people or employed adults: Service certification issued by your employer or VAT attribution certification
- privacy information document duly completed, dated and signed
Applications should be submitted by one of the following means:
All those who have successfully completed the application and meet the requirements will be invited to the selection phase
- delivery “brevi manu” to the secretariat of the Foundation ITS Academy New Technologies for the Made in Italy Food System “Albatros”, located in Messina, Viale Giostra n. 2 on working days from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 13.00. The sealed envelope must bear the words “NOTICE Student Call FIGURE 2 – ENO_FOOD 4.0 – Senior Technician for Control, Evaluation and Evaluation Marketing of agricultural, agro-food and agro-industrial production , at the headquarters of the IISS “Benedetto Radice” Institute”
- delivery to e-mail address
- The subject of the email must bear the words “NOTICE Student Call FIGURE 2 – ENO_FOOD 4.0 – Superior Technician for the Control, Valorization and Marketing of Agricultural, agro-food and agroindustrial Productions at the headquarters of Benedetto Radice Institute.”
- For any information please call 090.9432770
ITS Courses are funded by PNRR funds National Plan for Recovery and Resilience
Project M4C1I1.5-2023-1002-P-31932 Strengthening the training offer of the “ITS Academy” Higher Technological Institutes,
CUP C64D23002030006, Mission 4 Investment 1.5 – Component 1.