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Towards the technical-scientific professions most requested by the world of work


To the needs of scientific, technological and organizational innovation of companies


Sustainable and renewable development


Technical skills to promote the competitiveness of the Sicilian productive fabric

New Graduates

A journey of two years, made of hope and passion, desire, application, attention and that ultimately leads to success! At the end of the ITS courses the Diploma of superior technician is issued, find out here all the new graduates and their skills.

Fondazione ITS Academy Albatros, Istituto Tecnico Superiore, è il riferimento in Sicilia per l’alta formazione post diploma in ambito agroalimentare


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© 2019 Fondazione ITS Academy Albatros - Nuove Tecnologie per il Made In Italy - Sistema Agroalimentare - Albatros C.F./P.IVA: 03110100835