I.I.S. “Ugo Mursia” - Carini (PA) Via Trattati di Roma 6, 90044

Professional Profile

The Higher Technician Expert in Healthy Cooking is capable of designing and creating recipes and menus for various culinary specialties that take into account the uniqueness of local products or lifestyle choices in relation to intolerances, allergies, and disease prevention. They ensure production standards are fully aligned with consumer health (health is understood both as a correct dietary regime and as a specialized dietary regime for selecting foods for therapeutic and preventive purposes)

They also utilize innovative technologies for the processing, handling, and preservation of agri-food products, with the aim of enhancing their specificities. This professional is skilled in understanding and applying control systems for raw materials, implementing production processes aimed at improving quality, formulating product/service proposals—interpreting customer/consumer needs, and fostering customer loyalty. They prepare menus based on the organoleptic, nutraceutical, and commercial characteristics of raw materials and the uniqueness of the product, overseeing the development of recipes and menus—applying innovative techniques within controlled nutritional regimes. They work in compliance with health standards, particularly HACCP regulations, and promote and manage production processes according to eco-compatibility and sustainability principles, respecting the specializations and uniqueness of “Made in Italy.”

New models of Blockchain application will be explored and experimented with:

  1. “Food Chain,” synonymous with transparency and accessibility, capable of regenerating a new value of food and a new concept of “Consumer-Actor”;
  2.  “Food Safety”, new tools at the service of the supply chain, capable of guaranteeing the best food traceability so as to ensure new levels of food safety, a valid support for the protection of Made In Italy. new tools at the service of the supply chain, capable of guaranteeing the best food traceability so as to ensure new levels of food safety, a valid support for the protection of Made In Italy.

Professional Figure

Higher Technician Expert in Healthy Cooking

Higher Technician responsible for agricultural, agri-food, and agro-industrial production and transformation.





total hours


Interships at leading companies in the sector


Carini (PA)

I.I.S. “Ugo Mursia”
Via Trattati di Roma 6, 90044


The ITS Academy’s specialization courses are intended for young people and adults, whether or not they have an employment (ensuring compliance with the compulsory attendance rate), are unemployed or unemployed, who have obtained one of the following decrees:

Career Opportunities

The Higher Technician Expert in Healthy Cooking, with the experience and skills acquired, can work in catering companies, including collective ones, such as corporate, school, or hospital catering, interacting with company managers, public bodies, chefs, and dining room staff. They may also work in large-scale distribution, supporting customers in the selection and purchase of food products and designing sales areas. They can also find employment in the front office of agri-food and food and beverage companies, overseeing product production, processing, and marketing. This professional is knowledgeable about the regulatory aspects of safety and environmental sustainability related to production activities in the agri-food sector.

Certificates and qualifications

  • Diploma of Higher Technician – EQF level 5, accompanied by the Europass “Diploma Supplement.”
  • Access title for teaching agricultural science and technology laboratories in public schools (competition class: B11).
  • Completion of the internship period and admission to the qualification exam for the profession of agrarian expert and graduate agrarian expert.
  • European Computer Driving License (ICDL full).
  • Foreign language certification.
  • Additional certifications specific to the professional profile.
  • Possible recognition of university training credits (CFU) according to the tables of confluence between learning outcomes in relation to the competences acquired at the end of the ITS path and the competences resulting from the degree courses assimilable to it.

Deadline for submission of applications

All interested parties, who meet the requirements, must submit their application for admission to the course no later than 11 october 2024, drawn up in simple paper based on the attached template

The applicant must sign the application and attach the following documents:

Applications should be submitted by one of the following means:

All those who have successfully completed the application and meet the requirements will be invited to the selection phase

  1. .Hand-delivered to the ITS Foundation Secretariat for New Technologies for Made in Italy Food System “Albatros,” located in Messina, Viale Giostra no. 2, on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The sealed envelope must bear the words NOTICE Students Call FIGURE 1 – HEALTH FOOD 4.0- Technician Senior Expert in Healthy Cooking, at the headquarters of the IIS Institute Ugo Mursia Carini
  2. delivery to e-mail address corsiitsalbatros.pnrr@gmail.com

The subject of the email must bear the words “NOTICE Students Call FIGURE 1 – HEALTH FOOD 4.0- Technician Senior Expert in Healthy Cooking, at the headquarters of the IIS institute “Ugo Mursia” Carini

ITS Courses are funded by PNRR funds National Plan for Recovery and Resilience

Project M4C1I1.5-2023-1002-P-31932 Strengthening the training offer of the “ITS Academy” Higher Technological Institutes,

CUP C64D23002030006, Mission 4 Investment 1.5 – Component 1.